
When do trimme hair for kids?

 what I think has happened is that when a baby lies on thier back (or any position) for week/months ect like newborns do baby hair clippers falls out on the spot that is in most contact, it happens to most if not all babies and happened to my son too. Maybe the parents thought that it looked unsightly and shaved it off or maybe they thought tht the hair was somehow catching and pulling out I dont know.
 There is no NEED to shave a babies head but I doubt any harm can be done by doing it, although the head is soft it can withstand gentle pressure and im sure they wouldn't be pressing particularly hard on his head with a shaver. But I think if they did ask thier HV if it was ok to shave thier sons head, all the health visitor would say is there is no need to do so I dont think it would be professional cordless hair clippers any type of rule or guideline doing it. Considering you can have a babies ears pierced in some places at like 3 - 6 months!!  At the end of the day his hair will grow back and they are his parents x Iv never heard of anyone having thier child taken away for cutting thier hair .

