
Baby Barber Which is better?

Baby Barber Which is better?
(1) to try to choose "Q" Some of appearance cute, colorful baby hair clipper is less likely to allow the baby to produce fear the appearance of baby hair choice, mothers can also save a lot of effort to coax the child and stamina.
(2) recommend the use of rechargeable hair clipper, because the baby is better move, baby Barber If using an external power supply, the child may be in the barber process pull on the cord.
(3) recommended Barber mute baby, the baby may have a fear of the haircut, if you use a large noise baby Barber for his haircut, then its difficult to imagine.
(4) recommended baby hair clipper with a positioning function, which can be freely positioned baby hair clipper hair length, which according to the season for parents to decide the child's hair length is helpful.
(5) Baby Barber at work, part of the scalp in contact with children should be smooth, smooth and have some curvature, which protect babies delicate skin of the head is very important.

